If you’re interested in keeping the faith at sea on your next voyage, read on as religious correspondent Greg Watts explains why some cruise ships have chaplains on-board.

The last person you might expect to see when you walk into a bar or restaurant on a cruise ship is a priest. But increasingly cruise ship companies are asking for chaplains to join a ship.

A cruise chaplain – classified as an ‘entertainer’ – doesn’t get paid, but is provided with a free cabin.

The chief reason cruise ships have chaplains on-board is to provide pastoral care to the crew. Large cruise ships often have around 1,000 crew members.

Many are away from their families for months, which means they miss birthdays, anniversaries and even the births of their children.

Catholic maritime charity Apostleship of the Sea (AoS) operates a team of cruise chaplains, mainly during the Christmas and Easter holiday periods.

“Everyone else on-board expects something of the crew but my main duty as an AoS cruise chaplain is to assist the crew and to offer them friendship and a listening ear,” said Liverpool priest Father David Gamble.

Father David Gamble with members of the crew

Father David Gamble with members of the crew

Since Father David served on his first cruise 20 years ago, he has sailed to the east and west coasts of the United States, the Caribbean, Mexico, and around Europe.

“Despite working on a crowded and busy ship, crew members can often feel homesick and isolated. The presence of a chaplain on board offers them comfort, someone they can trust and speak to in confidence,” he explained.

“I’m always made welcome wherever I go, from the galleys and food preparation areas to the recycling unit, the laundry, and where the lads repair the tables and chairs.

“I walk the decks and public areas of the ship, being seen, stopping and talking to passengers, maybe over a coffee, or lunch, or in a more private way. I also try and support the entertainment staff by popping in to the events they would put on and I would laugh and joke with the passengers taking part.”

Cruise chaplains will hold religious services, usually in one of the restaurants or down below in the crew mess.  Because of the unsocial hours that many of the crew work, these might be held late night.

Cruise ships have been likened to mini towns, and, like any town, sometimes serious incidents happen.  When Father Paul Fitzpatrick, a lecturer in theology at a college in Birmingham, was once serving on the QE2 two members of the crew suffered serious burns following an accident.

“As we were in the mid-Atlantic, the ship had to travel at full speed for two days, until we would be in helicopter range. The ship’s hospital could keep the crew members comfortable but they needed specialist care.  I spent much time with them.”

A helicopter flew from Cornwall to the ship and airlifted the two injured seafarers off it and took them to a hospital in Ireland.

Alone, in a foreign country, without family and friends, the first visitors the seafarers received were AoS volunteer ship visitors, who Father Paul had notified.

“As I left the ship, I heard that one of the crew had died.  However, the chaplain who boarded the ship for its next voyage celebrated a Requiem Mass, which was greatly appreciated by all of the crew.”

Cruise ship crew at mass

Cruise ship crew at mass

Following Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, cruise company Carnival asked AoS to deploy chaplains on its ships to support Filipino crew members who were missing relatives or anxious about any destruction to their homes.

Rev Roger Stone, the AoS port chaplain in Southampton, sailed on two cruise ships and spent a lot of time counselling the crew. “One man lost many members of his family. Several were anxiously waiting to learn whether their parents, siblings and children were alive. The crew members stayed on board to earn money to pay for food and repair their homes.”

It is at moments such as these that having a chaplain on board a cruise ship can be invaluable.

Father Angelo Phillips, a retired priest from Leeds, says he is in no doubt of the important role played by chaplains on cruises. “It’s all about being present, just being seen around the ship.

“As the captain of P&O Ventura said to me, ‘Father, just having you present on the ship gives us all reassurance that we have God’s blessing as we cruise from country to country.’”

Emma Smith
Emma has more than seven years' experience as a writer and has been in the travel industry for nearly five years. She loves learning about new places and cruise ships coming to market, as well as discovering fun and exciting activities to do while you sail. She has cruised with Princess Cruises, Cunard, Celebrity Cruises, Virgin Voyages, Avalon Waterways and Royal Caribbean and is looking to get something in her diary for 2024! Her favourite things to see on a ship include excellent entertainment, a delicious cocktail menu and extraordinary dining venues.

16 Responses to “Keeping the faith at sea: The life of a cruise ship chaplain”

  1. Dr. Claudette Clair

    Greetings, I too am very interested however, I am more excited to see the number of persons that are interested in sharing God word, being His hands, mouth and feet in the Earth and on the Sea.
    I will reach out to the Ships to see if the Lord has a Spot for me… Heart crossed.

    Claudette Bryant Clair, AMB, Ph.D, D.D, Ph.D

  2. Dr. and Mrs. David Zersen

    My wife and I have traveled to 60 countries and learned to appreciate people of many different cultures. I’ve served as a university president, a teacher in a variety of countries and a parish pastor. My wife is a musician, an administrator of parish nurses and has worked with all age groups. We would be an asset to your maritime ministries anywhere in the world.

  3. William Perry

    I would be interested in a position of shipboard chaplain. I have been in ministry for over 30 years, and the last 2 years as a hospital chaplain.

    My wife Kathy and I are both retired,

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Chaplain Bill

  4. Robert Mercado

    Having served as a U.S. Military Navy Chaplain, I have a desire being part of your team.

    Robert Mercado

    • Robert Mercado

      I have honorably served worldwide wide as a US Marine, and a US Navy Marine Corps Chaplain. I welcome your response on home to apply. CB# 571-337-4109.

      Robert Mercado

  5. Paul D Everett

    I am a retired VA Chief of Chaplain living here in Oklahoma City. I am interested in applying for a position. Please advise.


  6. Elizabeth Marriott


    I am a volunteer editor on Magnet magazine, an ecumenical Christian publication, we have an issue which has the working title: One more Step – Journeying in Faith. Having found your website we wonder if you would be able to write a 300-400 word article about your experiences on Cruise Ships. If you are willing, please reply to the above email address and I can send you more information and a commissioning letter.
    Liz Marriott

    • Emma Smith

      Hello Darcey, if you’re looking for information on this regarding a particular cruise line, I’d advise getting in touch with them directly as they will be able to provide more information. Thanks, Emma.

  7. ARIAN

    I’m a Catholic Priest. Working in New Jersey, U.S.A. I would like to work as a Chaplain for you.

    • Emma Smith

      Hi Arian, I’d advise you to get in touch with the cruise lines themselves as they will be able to better assist with your request and let you know if any positions are available. Thanks, Emma.

      • Jaymes Chase

        I have served as a chaplain for 20 years and would love to be a cruise chaplain

  8. Yvonne Claridge

    I am a Roman Catholic Chaplain working in UK prisons for HMPS. I would like to assist or offer my ministerial and pastoral skills on Cruise ships. My role ministers to both prisoners and HMPS staff alike. I look forward to hearing from you.

    • Emma Smith

      Hi Yvonne, I’d advise you to get in touch with the cruise lines themselves as they will be able to better assist with your request and let you know if any positions are available. Thanks, Emma.

  9. Victor Louis

    I’m a Catholic priest I would like to work as a Chaplin, if you need a priest for ship please contact me


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